"With leaking passion, MacCary acts childishly, at times endearing and boisterous, and smiles so brightly at compliments, betraying that she knows she hasn't earned them." [full article]
“Unpredictable troupe…proudly flies a purely theatrical freak flag." [full article]
"Her face shining ... MacCary positively glows as Diane." [full article]
"For awakening the judges to her graceful, luminous performance in What Then, we award an OBIE to Meg MacCARY." [full article]
"The performances are very strong... Meg MacCary and J.H. Smith III have a marvelous time with the goofiness of Stephano and Trinculo." [full article]
New York Times, What Then [full article]
"Campbell and MacCary are spot-on as the over-cultured, martini-sipping columnists... their combined comic timing is so sharp you could cut yourself on it" [full article]
"MacCary captures the neurotically brittle personality of Diane ... [Marek's] interactions with MacCary's Diane are the production's strongest, mainly due to the two actors' simmering chemistry." [full article]
"These characters come alive with the help of some strong acting, especially by Meg MacCary." [full article]
"Meg MacCary shines as Amalia, the prettiest torso in many a county." [full article]
"Meg MacCary displays perfect timing and an appropriately edgy sensibility." [full article]
"Benditt and MacCary acquit themselves beautifully." [full article]
"There are fine performances throughout... deserving mention [is] Meg MacCary." [full article]
The New York Times, The Typographer's Dream [full article]
"Understandably exulted about nabbing an award ... What Then's Meg MacCary held up the plaque and announced, "This is a huge perk!" [full article]
- Michael Musto, The Village Voice [full article]
"Meg MacCary reveals the frustrated creativity roiling inside Margaret's daily fussing with the alphabet." [full article]
"Talented cast of four in a superior example of ensemble work." [full article]
"Meg MacCary ... makes a great impact. With the demeanor of an inhibited dreamer, a closet passionata wrapped in an uptight eccentric, MacCary conveys to us the total magic of her chosen field." [full article]
"Meg MacCary's Margaret is the most touching ... she is especially poignant." [full article]
American Theatre, "Six Degrees of Clubbed Thumb" (feature) [full article]
The Village Voice, "Writer's Equity" (feature) [full article]
Time Out New York, "Hand to mouth" (feature) [full article]