My show Something Wild and Unruly went better than I could have dreamed! I am so proud of myself and grateful for all the love and support from friends, family, colleagues, and the spectacular audience. What an extraordinary way to end a beautiful year!
Photos: Marcus Maddox
I spent an exhilarating week with Little Lord at the Mercury Store, building a new show about fears and humiliation (among other things 😳). I love these nutballs and I'm proud to count myself among them.
It’s official! My one woman show Something Wild and Unruly is on December 19th at 7pm at Pangea in the East Village. I LOVE this image that Taylor McGee designed! "Join Meg at the worst moment of her life: the night her teenage daughter doesn’t come home. As she figures out the Where, she also figures out the Why. After all, she comes from a long line of women who knew when it was time to flee… and did. In Something Wild and Unruly, Meg's hilarious and poignant family stories and fears about raising a daughter in New York City are interspersed with songs about rebellion, motherhood, and love.”
Matt Gasda's newest play One Winged Dove is “tightly scripted, cleverly structured… all executed with a steady, purposeful hand.”
We're up and running all through September and October at Brooklyn Center For Theatre Research and beyond!
After a summer filled with theater, I escaped to the woods to compete in Outlast, a 4 day Survivor game. Episodes will be on YouTube soon, so no spoilers.😉
JULY 2023
I had the honor of playing Mrs. Pat in Galatea 2.0, written by Sophie Dushko, directed by C.C. Kellogg, and starring Isabel Mar, Violet Savage, and Vince Santvoord at Brooklyn Art Haus. This play is extraordinary. This team is pitch perfect in every way. And this is just the beginning!
JUNE 2023
Sophie Dushko and I did a reading of Through the Cracks by Karen Cecilia, directed by C.C. Kellogg for Adult Film.
Then we all headed to Bath, Maine to rehearse Galatea 2.0, directed by C.C. and written by Sophie, with Isabel Mar and Violet Savage and Vince Santvoord (not pictured). I love this play so very much. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be working on this text with these people.
MAY 2023
Matt Gasda is writing up a storm and I've been in two readings of his new work this month: Salt and One Winged Dove. Both readings were at his space Brooklyn Center for Theater Research, which is becoming a lovely clubhouse for theater folk in Greenpoint.
Sharone Halevy, Kate Mulley, and I escaped to Pennsylvania to work on my one woman show. Goal: Rehearsal Script✅ Stay tuned!
APRIL 2023
I played in a one day Survivor game hosted by Competitive Events and and… drum roll… I WON! Crazy times. I’m still processing it all. I’m so grateful to have met and played with this group of strategic and social powerhouses. I believed deep down that I could do it, but now I know:)
Michael Levinton and the marvelous group at Little Lord invited me to The Mercury Store to help build their next show. We spent a week exploring Tupperware, transparencies, Supermarket Sweep, and humiliation.🤡
MARCH 2023
Jessica and I did our first LIVE RECORDING of our podcast Desperately Seeking the '80s at Malt and Mold’s beer garden at 21st Street and 2nd Avenue. We had a blast and all our BFFs did too! To the first of many:)
Our run of Dover by Matthew Gasda starring me, Izabel Mar, and George Olesky is going strong. The show is evolving beautifully. AND Dimes Square and Other Plays by Matthew Gasda is available on Amazon and includes Minotaur, which we premiered last summer. I love working with these people.
Jessica and I celebrated the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of our podcast Desperately Seeking the '80s with all our BFFs! We are very proud of our 50+ episodes about crime and culture in NYC in the '80s, and we’re just getting started...
Improbable Stage is developing a new piece about gathering. I loved meeting and playing with a whole new group of performers during their weekend workshop.
Hitting the ground running in 2023! George Olesky, Izabel Mar, and I are doing an extended run of Dover by Mathew Gasda. We’ve performed in loft spaces across the city to sold-out houses. The show keeps building and growing. I’m very proud of the work we’re doing.
Matthew Gasda asked me and Izzy Mar and George Olesky to perform his play Dover… in 10 days. And we freakin’ did it. It was wonderful - don’t be fooled by the photo - and we’re doing it again in January!
I played a tiny role in Mary Neely’s new film Or Something. Everyone on set was lovely. They look exhausted here, but that’s because they were working so hard. Can’t wait to see it!
I did something very scary. I invited my most trusted colleagues to the workshop of my one woman show: Something Wild and Unruly. I’m so grateful for their super valuable feedback and the guidance of Sharone Halevy (Director), Michael Hicks (Musical Director), and Kate Mulley (Dramaturg). Watch this space.
I played a deeply narcissistic, manipulative, and volatile mother in Max Cohen’s short film "My Mother Is".
I spent a blissful week upstate making whacky theater at Little Lord’s retreat. Michael Levinton has some fantastic ideas cooking! This is a self portrait of what the pandemic did to me.🤪
Check out the amazing RED TRIBE of Survivor Brooklyn South All Stars!! These games are so challenging and incredibly rewarding.♥️
Desperately Seeking the 80’s hit 5000 downloads!! Our podcast about NYC in the 80’s is going strong and Jessica and I are having a blast.
I was honored to be included in a lineup of badass women who Alida Rose Delaney gathered to raise $$ for the National Network of Abortion Funds at Winemak'Her Bar in Brooklyn. It was a beautiful and empowering evening… and my 15 year old son was in the audience🥹
The amazing Bethany James had another reading for her FANTASTIC pilot and this time I Zoomed from my bathtub because of Wifi issues… I’m not sure if anyone could tell😂
JULY 2022
I spent a blissful week working on one of the best scripts I’ve read in years. Galatea 2.0 by Sophie Dushko is like Pygmalion in The Matrix and features love dolls and incel culture and Dolly Parton. The incredible C.C. Kellogg of Invulnerable Nothings directed the workshop at the Mercury Store in Gowanus. Vincent Santvoord, Alida Rose Delaney, Lauren Guglielmello, and I went deep on this extraordinary piece.
I went straight from the Galatea 2.0 workshop to a 4-day Survivor LRG in upstate New York. No spoilers… but it was EPIC. Survivor New York Season 5 will be on YouTube in the next few months :)
JUNE 2022
On the opening night of Minotaur, I thought to myself how lucky I am to be back on stage. I missed theater so much. This show introduced me to a new set of wonderfully talented people, reunited me with some old pals, and was incredibly creatively fulfilling. What a wonderful welcome back! Huge thanks to Matthew Gasda, Bob Laine, George Olesky, Katie Kane, Cassidy O’Grady, Eliza Vann, Mary Neely, Aubrey Mann, and Michael Segal💜
MAY 2022
Dying to Survive, directed by Anna Sørrig, won the Grand Jury Prize at its first screening at Apple Box Short Film Festival!
I had the absolute delight to perform in Peace and Love in Brooklyn, a new musical by Eamon O’Tuama at the incredibly cool Beckett’s Bar as part of Origin Theatre’s Mondays in May reading series. Pictured here with Maria Deasy, Annalisa Chamberlin, Ciaran Bowling, and Gary Troy.
I had the pleasure of helping The New Wild develop Everybody is Gone, a piece of immersive journalism that illuminates for audiences some of the experiences that the Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in Western China face as a result of the Chinese government's systematic oppression.
APRIL 2022
Rehearsals for Minotaur, by Matthew Gasda, are going so well. I love this group of people. They make staging a psychosexual family drama fun😂
Desperately Seeking The ‘80s, my podcast with my highschool bestie Jessica about NYC in the 80s hit 1500 downloads! We’re delighted and going strong.
MARCH 2022
Our podcast Desperately Seeking The ‘80s: NY Edition is live! Revisit the crime and culture of NYC in the ‘80s with BFF Gen-Xers Jessica and Meg.
I was in a slew of readings this month: the new musical Peace and Love in Brooklyn by Eamon O’Tuama, directed by John Keating at the Irish American Writers and Artists, Inc.; the short play Roommates by B.J. Burton, directed by Alisa Matlovsky for The Women in the Arts and Media Coalition; and a new TV pilot, Roebling Project, by Bethany Lauren James and Hunter Gardner.
The public reading of Minotaur by Matthew Gasda went wonderfully, and we’re excited to get back into the rehearsal room, gearing up for a full staging in May.
The director, Anna Sørrig, and most of the crew of the short film "Dying to Survive" are Danish. There was a soothing babble of Danish underscoring the whole day of shooting. Very Hygge!
February was chock full of readings: I played a gay local politician from Minnesota in The Chaos Theory of Now by Jennifer Joy Pawlitschek, directed by Alisa Matlovsky for the League of Professional Theatre Women, and reprised Evelyn in the musical two-hander The God of In Between by Christopher Wall. Lots of creative energy in the air!
Jessica Jones and I started recording our podcast, Desperately Seeking the ‘80s: NY Edition. Revisit the crime and culture of NYC in the ‘80s with BFF Gen-Xers Jessica and Meg. We’ve banked five episodes and are scheduled for a February release!
Reunited with Bob Laine from the old NADA days (pictured here in 2019 recording the radio play of American Revolution by Kirk Wood Bromley.) We’re playing a dysfunctional couple in Minotaur by Matthew Gasda, when we’re not reminiscing about hanging out on Ludlow in the ‘90s.
Carl Belfatti and I worked so beautifully together on "Care and Feeding," our mini-musical that helped raise $30,000 for the Actors’ Fund earlier this year, that we’ve started to write a full length musical😊 More soon!
I performed a reading of my one woman show (which is still untitled) for four very supportive and wise colleagues. So much more work to do! Three steps forward and two steps back... Forward march!
Here’s a little teaser for a project that will be announced in early 2022. No spoilers! Just happy to report that I’m loving the process:) More soon!
I’m DELIGHTED to be working with Deborah Dotoli of AAG Talent! What with Deborah and Gina Manfredi at DDO Artists Agency, I now have a bonafide TEAM of reps😊
I voiced all the adult roles in a reading of wonderful Laura Winters' new musical: The Last Age of Moonsteeds. Think Stand By Me, except it’s about a group of girls in the 90’s. And it’s funny as hell.
This month I competed in Survivor Brooklyn South, hosted by the amazing George Nicolaidis and a crew of astoundingly beautiful Survivor super fans. A teeny tiny part of me didn’t believe I could do it—and that part of me died a gruesome death. It was amazing! I made alliances and strategized and won TWO individual immunity idols and found an idol and played it on my closest remaining ally and made it to FINAL FOUR and George gave me the torch (!!!!) AND I won Fan Favorite! BEST DAY EVER
I sang "Around The World" from Grey Gardens at The Players this month. I just love the story of Little Edie. While preparing the song for the evening celebrating the return of Broadway, I came to deeply respect her vulnerability and gumption—qualities that are often underappreciated in women. Michael Hicks accompanied me and was outstanding, as well as a lovely dinner date.
Stephani has road rage! And she was a ton of fun to play. Watch her 6-minute episode of The Drive-Thru Therapist.
I’m THRILLED to announce that I'm being represented by DDO Artists Agency in their On-Camera Division. Gina and Michaela are wonderful to work with. Having a strong team is the best feeling!
My mother had a milestone birthday this month and I formed The Family Band with my uncle Randy and cousins Will, Trish, and Wilson, to sing "If You Knew My Story" from the musical Bright Star. It’s a song about a woman who has lived an incredible life and is ready to talk about it, so it seemed particularly fitting for my mother:) Watch our performance.
Together Apart raised over $40,000 for The Actors Fund! "Care and Feeding", the mini-musical I wrote with Carl Belfatti, was a joy to work on. I am so grateful to Carl, Ann Harada, Mia Ellis, Kitty Balay, and the incomparable Vivienne Benesch for making the experience and the piece more than I dreamed it could be. Watch the 7 minute musical about 4 moms in quarantine.
JULY 2021
I’ve been self-taping up a storm this month! Here’s a still from one of my favorites (fingers crossed I’ll hear from them soon:) Shout out to my coaches Chris Campbell and Stephanie Linas, who always make me look good.
JUNE 2021
Exciting news! Split Valley has joined The Broadway Podcast Network. This is huge for our radio mystery. It will have much needed advocacy, distribution, and promotion. Long live Split Valley!
MAY 2021
Together Apart raised $20,000 for The Actors’ Fund last weekend! Here’s a still from my contribution: “Care and Feeding.”
Music by Carl Belfatti - Book and Lyrics by me - Directed by Vivienne Benesch - Starring Mia Ellis, Ann Harada, Kitty Belay, and me:)
What is Brij doing?? He is performing the Samuel Beckett tribute in The Actor's Nightmare by Christopher Durang, LIVE on Zoom. I had so much fun directing these amazing kids. We came up with a new style of performance we coined “muppet acting” which requires LOTS of gestures and takes to the camera. They created theater magic in tiny Zoom squares and I’m just bursting with pride!
APRIL 2021
Here’s a screenshot from "Care and Feeding", which I wrote for Together Apart, a collection of new short musicals written, composed, directed by, and featuring Brown University alumni. It premieres May 27th 8pm ET as a fundraiser for The Actors Fund. More soon!
Split Valley’s Radio Broadcast Premiere is April 8th at 8pm ET on WDCR! Pull up a chair, dim the lights, and TUNE IN.
MARCH 2021
The super talented Bethany James and Laura Winters have written an amazing pilot: Offbeat. It’s funny, moving, and highlights the talents of this incredible group of actors. I was delighted to voice a bunch of roles in the reading of their latest draft.
In quarantine I wrote a one woman show/cabaret currently titled Mess. This month I plucked up the courage to perform the first draft for a trusted few.
Here are just a few of the amazing people Lisa Loeb has gathered to write and perform the Brown Zoomusical!
My piece, "Care and Feeding", is being directed by Vivienne Benesch. More soon:)
Here’s the trailer for The Drive-Thru Therapist!
I play Stephani who has issues with her road rage:)
Can’t wait to see it!
Split Valley: a radio mystery is live! It was conceived pre-Covid and produced in 17 separate home studios in the last few months. I am so proud of this work, as an actor and producer and artist making things happen under dire conditions. It is available on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and our website
I got to act with Adam Patterson! Kate Mulley wrote a delightful scene for us called "Second Wife". Adam plays a producer for a show looking for a mate for Governor Cuomo. We had so much fun rehearsing with the fantastic Meredith McDonough. We performed it live on Zoom for the holiday show As the Fates Allow, produced by Jen Taher.
The 7th graders I teach delivered monologues by real people live over Zoom in a series we called In Their Own Words. This is Jackson performing Major Sullivan Ballou's last letter to his wife Sarah before he was killed in the Civil War.
Spent a lovely day on set for The Drive-Thru Therapist web series. I play an Instagram influencer with rage issues:) Delightfully covid-safe, professional and fun cast and crew. And being back on set was wonderful!
Carl Belfatti and I wrote a 7-minute musical for an upcoming project with a bunch of Brown grads! Working with this guy has been a pure delight:) More soon!
September is about planting seeds: lots of self tape auditions, Chris Campbell's fantastic acting class, working on my one-woman show (currently called Mise-en-Scène Seule or MESS) and of course, Split Valley is coming soon… Grow seeds, grow!
The last few months I've been building my one-woman show with the incomparable Michael Hicks... and we just finished working through the first draft😳 Lots more work to do, but I'm feeling pretty proud and extremely grateful😊
JULY 2020
Split Valley is COMING SOON! This is a picture of me doing script work at 5am. We've recorded successfully (from 17 separate home studios!) and now it's time to edit.
I put together a new commercial voice-over reel with all my new, fancy equipment!
Brown alums who did musical theater from the late '80s to the early '90s had a massive Zoom reunion! This photo captures about a fifth of the people on the call. There's talk of collaborating on a new musical about the quarantine!
JUNE 2020
Loved giving David Andrew Stoler grief in Shrinkage - now streaming on Amazon!
Split Valley: a serialized radio mystery is CAST! We read through via Zoom and start recording remotely July 6th:)
MAY 2020
During quarantine I've been working on my self-tape skills. And wardrobe and hair and makeup and set design and camera and sound skills. Grateful for the opportunities! Eager to hand this all back to the professionals soon:)
Everyone is getting great at Zoom Readings! This month I was in a reading of Lenore Marks' new pilot The Downfall and was delighted to reprise my role as MOM in a Zoom reading of Janelle Lawrence's musical 'Tis the Season, hosted by the Artists' Coop.
Every spring I direct seventh graders in a play. This year the school assumed we'd need to cancel it due to quarantine. But the show must go on! And we turned Our Town into a radio play with slides of old photos from turn-of-the-century New Hampshire. It was a huge undertaking and a beautiful result, underscoring the resilience and ingenuity of this wonderful community.
APRIL 2020
I recorded a couple songs for friends and family… gradually getting used to my "at home" set up:)
This lovely short film I shot last year is getting into a bunch of festivals!
Fortunately quarantine hasn’t deterred Bethany Lauren James and Laura Winters! I was delighted to perform in zoom readings of their TV pilots.
MARCH 2020
March hit us all like a ton of bricks. I’m so grateful to have projects I can continue to work on. Five on a Match is producing Split Valley: an original, serialized radio mystery.
A cryptic postcard lures two investigative podcast journalists to the smallest town in New York State.
Listen to how the story unfolds in nine audio episodes.
Split Valley is written by Caroline V. McGraw and directed by Eddie Prunoske. We will be hiring 14 New York City artists to record in June!
I finished the show bible of my TV pilot Goddess! Complete with a season one outline and beautiful renderings by Matt Cohn. Check it out here.
Jessica Dorfman Jones and I wrote Relevant, a TV Pilot about two friends who went to high school together. Wonder what our inspiration was…
Had a wonderful time workshopping The Bedbug Problem by Devin Dearing Preston at the Barrow Group with these lovely bedbugs: Lunie Jules, Chris Campbell, and Bethany James.
2020 is sponsored by the Six of Wands! What will I do with my newfound wings??
Delighted to take a crack at a Danish accent in Barrie Kreinik's new play In Love with Night, about the life and times of Eva Le Gallienne, produced by The Bechdel Project at The Dramatists Guild.
Played the kooky Connecticut mom in Janelle Lawrence's new musical 'Tis the Season at the Cold Read Series at The Artist Co-op!
I'm just thrilled with these shots by Michelle Chin. We walked along the Highline on the last warm day of the year. This picture captures perfectly how delightful it is to spend time with her.
I recorded some audition songs with the invaluable help of Michael Hicks and James Hansen.
Reading the COMPLETE WORKS of Gilbert and Sullivan with Little Lord…So far Iolanthe is my favorite. Fairies and frogs!
I applied for SURVIVOR!
Back in the rehearsal room with Little Lord (pictured here with the outrageously funny Lisa Clair and Kate Weber)! Category is: GAME SHOWS
Jessica Jones and I ran away from home for a weekend to work on our new TV pilot…
JULY 2019
The God of In-Between, book and lyrics by Christopher Wall, music by Howard Fishman, directed by Marina McClure
(photos by Rob Strong)
I got to sing and shred carrots last week at Voxfest with these wonderful people! Thank you to the wonderfully talented Emma Orme and Christopher Wall (pictured) and Howard and Marina and Brandon Adams and the whole Voxfest family.
JUNE 2019
I've been building my audition book with Michael Hicks this month and having the time of my life:)
We had the first read thru of the new musical The God of In-Between by Christopher Wall, music by Howard Fishman, directed by Marina McClure. We will workshop it at Voxfest at Dartmouth next month!
Thank you thank you thank you David Noles and Anna Malskaya for an amazing day. New headshots coming soon!
MAY 2019
Katie Baldwin Eng and I wrote a TV pilot and it's up on The Black List!
Deirdre, a psychotherapist for the deeply disturbed, and mother of a high school senior, discovers that she is the modern day incarnation of the goddess Demeter and must determine how to harness her powers to save both her daughter and the earth.
"Down and Away," a short film directed by Brian Tracey, is in post-production. Here's a screen shot of me cheering for my son's baseball team.
APRIL 2019
Meet the Rebel Mess! I had a blast recording the irrepressible Kirk Wood Bromley's plays: Midnight Brainwash Revival and American Revolution. Here I'm between takes with the insanely talented (if somewhat motley) crew: Hank Coyote Wagner, Bob Laine, and Josh Hartung.
Coming Soon: I play Meg in the hilarious web series Shrinkage!
An Actress. Her Husband. Their Shrink.
Shrinkage: reminding you that marriage is the meanest thing you could ever do to someone you love.
This is Nick. He plays Danny, my son, in the short film "Down and Away" I shot this weekend. He's awesome.💜
MARCH 2019
(photos by Maria Baranova)
It's a hit and a wrap!
Skinnamarink got soooo much love from NYTimes Critic's Pick & Time Out New York: 4 Stars & New York Stage Review!
Just a few of the wonderful words written about our very whacky show:
"A Dickensian dystopia filtered through the skewed aesthetics of Tim Burton…Skinnamarink proudly flies a purely theatrical freak flag."
"Skinnamarink is a horror show that takes old nostalgic objects and turns them nasty in your mouth. This play will make you feel like a child again, whether you like the taste or not."
"Little Lord tends to make the kind of seeming silliness that worms into your brain and comes out to play long after recess is over."
I'm going to miss seeing these guys every day.
Also the incomparable Maria Baranova included the cast in her series "Faces of Downtown Scene"!
We open next week!
Little Lord's Skinnamarink at New York Theatre Workshop/Next Door.
(photo by Maria Baranova)
My 2nd favorite photo from the show!
Rehearsals for Little Lord's Skinnamarink at New York Theatre Workshop's Next Door Series start next week…
(photo by Maria Baranova)
Delighted to reunite with the gang from City Girls for a staged reading of Pamela Enz' latest: Casablanca on the Hudson at Dixon Place on January 25th.
Reading the latest draft of Little Lord's Skinnamarink, hot off the presses! Can't wait until New York Theatre Workshop's Next Door Series in March!
These kids! So proud of their Twelfth Night. It was a close one this year, but we pulled it off! Adam: Best Malvolio Ever:)
My dear friend Jessica Jones and I are on a quest to discover what women are NOT talking about. Nice Girls Don't Say That is a multi-media interview-based project designed to entertain, educate, and determine what political and social issues really matter to women in the United States. More soon!!
I play "Meg" in Little Lord's newest creation: The Peanut Butter Show. It's a bizarre, very fun, and deeply disturbing show inspired by one room school houses, cults, and Flowers in the Attic. Here I'm working on my punctuation with Josh Gelb and Polly Lee.
Flew out to San Francisco to see Theatre of Yugen's production of Seen / By Everyone. I am beyond grateful to Nick Ishimaru, who directed it with attention and care and an inspired hand, and to the cast for their generous performances. This is my heart full.
Two weeks until The Peanut Butter Show! (I love rehearsal skirts:)
OCTOBER 1st - 5th @ 7:30
@ Target Margin's THE DOXSEEE
232 52nd Street, Brooklyn
Day One of rehearsal for The Peanut Butter Show!
I'm Teacher's Pet.
Jetted off to San Francisco to sit in on the first rehearsals of Theater of Yugen's West Coast Premiere of Seen / By Everyone. The director, Nick Ishimaru, is layering in traditional Noh theater movement and gesture. It's just beautiful.
Enormvs Muñoz is reprising his role as the Bartender.
Me at Inspiration Point:) Can’t wait to see the show in October!
Yehuda Hyman and Rachel Claire are just two of the lovely people who gathered to read Katie Baldwin Eng's and my TV pilot Goddess. We are so grateful for the talent and insight of this wonderful group: Brad Cover, Marielle Young, Nikolai Mishler, Adam Patterson, Sauda Jackson, Matt Cohn, and Caitlin Wells
JULY 2018
Summer Work Trip #1
Jen Taher and I flew down to Atlanta for the screening of "American Daddy," an official selection of The Atlanta Underground Film Festival!
Summer Work Trip #2
Polished up the rehearsal draft of Seen / By Everyone on our upstate retreat. We're sending it off to Theatre of Yugen for its West Coast premiere!
Hot off the presses!
JUNE 2018
Five on a Match’s Sunday Soirée was a fantastic evening thanks to Petra Fried, DJ Panos, and too many helpers and supporters to list. Thank you!
I was honored and delighted to perform in John Kurzynowski's CC: Fanny at Spaceworks. Here I am sliding down a boiler, howling in despair.
"American Daddy" is an Official Selection at The Atlanta Underground Film Festival! Hotlanta here we come!
MAY 2018
So many thanks to The Salon for invaluable perspectives and feedback on Goddess.
These 7th graders killed it in our production of American Clock by Arthur Miller.
APRIL 2018
Me and Austin Pendleton having a crappy day in City Girls and Desperadoes.
Helping build Little Lord’s next show! We’ve been workshopping all over the place: Target Margin, The Drama League, LPAC’s Rough Draft Festival…
Katie Baldwin and I are writing a TV Pilot: Goddess. We are beyond grateful to Drop, Forge, and Tool for inviting us to work on our next draft at their artists' retreat in Hudson, NY. And we just found out we've been accepted to the next round of the Orchard Project's Episodic Lab.
MARCH 2018
It's NYC 1977 and a rag-tag band of accidental outlaws explodes with high rolling, high risk relationships… and lots of cocaine.
I'm delighted to be playing SUSAN in Pamela Enz' new play City Girls and Desperadoes, directed by Marina McClure and starring Austin Pendleton and Julie Atlas Muz.
March 22 - April 8 at Theater for the New City.
Chiori Miyagawa is turning her gorgeous play This Lingering Life into an opera! First read of the libretto at The Lark.
What is an interrobang?! Apparently this is. I love working on Skiterramerinkadink with Little Lord. I'm pictured here with Freddy Edelhart at Target Margin.
John Kurzynowski is building a beautiful piece inspired by the Orson Welles film The Magnificent Ambersons and the concept of copying. Here I am gazing at my impressively backlit son, George (Nikolai Mishler).
John Kurzynowski and Alex Kveton are writing a wacky and wonderful play This Program Takes Place at the Intersection of the Frozen Food and Dairy Aisles of Your Local Grocery Store. I was delighted to voice Teresa in a reading of their latest draft.
American Daddy had its internet release on Jan. 20th! Check out a sneak peak below:
American Daddy's first festival!
Kirk Bromley is cooking up all kinds of mischief at New Dramatists. Loved diving into his new play with some old friends.
Closing out 2017 with some fantastic news!
Playbill: New York Indie Theatre Film Festival
American Daddy will have its first public screening at the NY Indie Theatre Film Festival in January at The New Ohio.
Buy Tickets to American Daddy at the NYITFF
And the fabulous Drop Forge & Tool has offered me and Katie Baldwin Eng a residency to develop our TV pilot!
I loooooved the red dress I wore in Chronicles of Samson: Dangers of a Wounded Ego by Ken Kaiser, directed by Jesse Freedman at the New Ohio. Thank you Karen Boyer!
American Daddy by Katie Baldwin Eng and directed by Yaara Sumerak and starring me and Jen Taher had a private screening at Videology. It was a fun, warm evening and we are so grateful to all the friends and colleagues who came out to see it! Next stop: a film festival near you. Will keep you posted!
The Doxsee, Target Margin’s new theater, has opened! I helped Little Lord celebrate the space with a snippet from their upcoming piece at the Grand Festive Opening.
This is the first reading of Chronicles of Samson: Dangers of a Wounded Ego, directed by Jesse Freedman, presented by Meta-Phys Ed. at The New Ohio. Here you see me admiring the beautiful and brilliantly funny Sharla Meese.
Katie Baldwin Eng and I ran away from home this week to write our treatment!
I'm in love with John Kurzynowski and his TRE group! And delighted to work with them on his burgeoning adaptation of The Magnificent Ambersons. In this shot, I think I'm personifying a carriage in a snow storm? (With my new favorite playmates Nick Lehane and Merlin Whitehawk.)
The insanely talented producers of Shrinkage, the upcoming web series, just sent me a sneak peek!
JULY 2017
Hard at work at the Little Lord retreat!
Many thanks to Drop, Forge, and Tool in beautiful Hudson, NY.
JUNE 2017
Katie Baldwin and I have started work on a joint project inspired by super powers… more soon!
It's time to retreat to the woods with Little Lord! Here are some of the inspiration materials Michael has us reading:
MAY 2017
Worked with the best crew ever on All That Glitters, a short whacky film that takes place the day after the election. Here are some stills. Can't wait to see the finished product!
APRIL 2017
I reunited with the writer/director of Matriarch, Jaydn Gosselin, to film its prequel: Reach. Dark content. Lovely team.
And more Little Lord workshopping…
And Five on a Match retreated to upstate NY to work on Seen/By Everyone: the San Francisco version!
MARCH 2017
I performed with Little Lord as part of the ComPassion Plays (Purim 2017) at DCTV. I think the picture speaks for itself.
In anticipation of THE SALON meeting this month, I've been writing short scenes in hour spurts. Not sure what or if they add up to anything, but enjoying the exercise!
The Five on a Match crew has started working on a rewrite of Seen/By Everyone in anticipation for a run at Theatre of Yugen in San Francisco in the Fall of 2018! We are starting from scratch in many ways, but staying true to the heart of the play: mourning and moving on in the digital age.
Here we are visiting the Ali Forney Center to deliver the $5000 we raised for LGBTQ youth last month at #11/9; or EVERYTHING is TERRIBLE so we put on a SHOW*
The creative geniuses of Little Lord have invited me to romp with them as they build a new show. Do you recognize the inspiration for their next piece?
Things have been quite rough since the election in November. Five on a Match (the theater collective with which I work) found ourselves itching to respond to the political shift. So this month at Theaterlab we produced:
#11/9; or EVERYTHING is TERRIBLE so we put on a SHOW*
(A night of plays & performance grappling with the reality of T***P)
*it might be shout-y but you know it's true
And… we oversold the house! People were standing against the walls, sitting on the floor, and in the aisle. The plays and performances were funny, heartfelt, and ultimately uplifting. MOST IMPORTANTLY, we raised $5000 for the Ali Forney Center for homeless LGBTQ youth!
The I, Witness episode I shot in July just aired. I have a small role in this fraught docudrama. It's a rough story, well presented.
Worked with a wonderful producing team shooting Matriarch, a short film about grief, by Jaydn Gosselin.
Amir Darvish, Matthew Cohn, Nana Mensah, Pranav Phull, and I had a private reading of Disgraced by Ayad Akhtar. Fascinating play and spirited discussion… more soon…
While working on Seen/By Everyone, a creative seed in me was sown. I'd never even considered writing a play… until now! And I am meeting periodically with a few fellow actor/writers to experiment and share our writing projects. THE SALON: Polly Lee, Adam Patterson, Matthew Cohn, Rachel Claire, and me!
This Fall I directed 8th graders from Allen-Stevenson and Nightingale in The Tempest. My daughter, Alice, played Miranda! (so proud:)
Being on the set of Shrinkage, the new hilarious web series by David Stoler, was like being in a comedy master class! I play the stressed out producer of a reality show starring Purva Bedi, Andrew Dolan, and David Alan Basche. So fun!
Breaking news! Theatre of Yugen in San Francisco is interested in developing and producing Seen/By Everyone. Five on a Match is delighted to collaborate with Artistic Director Nick Ishimaru on the next version of our piece. Here we are on retreat — Seen/By Everyone 202 is in the works!
Spent a lovely evening with Nina Hellman, Pete McCabe, and Paul Boocock reading David Cote’s short verse play The Great Aphrodisiac, about America’s first female President embroiled in a scandal. (We should be so lucky:)
JULY 2016
Had the time of my life working with the visionaries at Little Lord on their new show Now Is the Time. Now Is the Best Time. Now Is the Best Time of Your Life at Abrons Art Center.
Lay in a coffin for a couple hours today filming the first episode of I, Witness, due to air in January. Fun fact about caskets: not intended for the living! Very uncomfortable. Looking forward to a more active day of filming tomorrow:)
JUNE 2016
SEEN / BY EVERYONE is soaring!
I love doing this show.
Check out our trailer here:
Seen / By Everyone trailer
- "Powerful...Compelling" —TALKIN' BROADWAY
- "Fascinating...Intriguing" —NEW YORK THEATRE REVIEW
- "Effective...Fun" —THE REVIEWS HUB
- "Thought Provoking..." —OFF OFF LINE
- "Refreshing Curiosity...Talented Actors" —THE HIGHLIGHTER
MAY 2016
We finally made it! Rehearsals are in full force and tix are on sale!
APRIL 2016
Our Kickstarter for SEEN / BY EVERYONE raised $25,277!!
This is our epic THANK YOU! writing party.
Our last retreat! Banging out a rehearsal script for SEEN / BY EVERYONE.
MARCH 2016
Thank you Xanthe Elbrick for my new headshots!
Boy do I love hashing out material with the Little Lord gang.
This is the ever inspiring Laura Von Holt!
I had a lovely time working on the webseries Other People's Kids. I am the voice of Adele, a multitasking mom, in the upcoming episode.
Seen / By Everyone's Kickstarter went live and made 88% of our goal in less than 2 weeks!
We had a blast filming Seen / By Everyone's Kickstarter videos! Nothing like a dance party at 8:00am!
Five on a Match put our latest draft of Seen / By Everyone to the test during a three day workshop. We are delighted to welcome to our creative family director Kristin Marting, our design team: Ayumu "Poe" Saegusa, Oana Botez, Christopher Heilman, Eben Hoffer, Ray Sun, and our cast: Rolls Andre, Lauren Annunziata, Katie Bruestle, Vanessa Kai, and Jens Rasmussen, will join Enormvs Muñoz, Matthew Cohn, Amir Darvish, Jen Taher, and me onstage. Here I am admiring Amir’s fantastic work!
Norman Lear, Edward Lear, and King Lear! The inspiration for Little Lord’s latest workshop in which I was delighted to participate.
It’s official! Seen / By Everyone will be directed by Kristin Marting at HERE Arts Center! Opening date; June 4th! Five on a Match, the team developing the piece, periodically runs into the woods to work on the script. Here we are: Matt Cohn, me, Amir Darvish, Jen Taher, and Enormvs Muñoz.
Check out my reel!
The Adventures of Jamel: The Time Traveling B-Boy Episode 3 "The Ocean Blue" is live! Buzzfeed says it "will be your new obsession."
The Adventures of Jamel (YouTube)
Second Draft of Seen / By Everyone is complete! My partners in crime look very serious here, but we also had wonderful fun on our writing retreat. And we saw a bald eagle AND a meteor shower!
JULY 2015
Abigail Gampel has written a gorgeous play and I get to do a reading of it at HERE Arts Center with Julie Fitzpatrick and Audrey Martells and directed by Allison Mitchell. Through the Window on July 8th at 8pm!
We didn't have TOO much fun on set for Jayson Musson's web series The Adventures of Jamel: The Time Traveling B-Boy. I play an insanely sadistic Queen Isabella.
King Ferdinand (Karl Jacob) and the Advisor (Fritz Donnelly) out of the torture chamber and out of costume.
JUNE 2015
Our first reading! Thank you to Katie Baldwin Eng, Polly Lee, Shawtane Bowen, Rachel Claire, Talya Chalef, Adam Patterson, Kristin Marting, Heather Boaz, Arne Jokela, Tom O'Keefe, Noam Tidhar!! #Project loves you! Love, Meg MacCary, Enormvs Muñoz, Amir Darvish, Matt Cohn, and Jen Taher.
MAY 2015
Spent a lovely afternoon with old friends and new working on Clare Barron's new piece.
So proud of all the seventh graders from Nightingale and Allen-Stevenson who put on a beautifully performed Peter Pan this week. It wasn't always easy! (they made me a little nervous..) But they pulled it together at the last minute and I am so proud of them. Lovely working with the exceptionally talented (and patient!) Charles Socarides on this, along with David Kersey and Melissa Constantinides.
APRIL 2015
Amir Darvish, Jen Taher, Matt Cohn, Enormvs Muñoz and I spent a weekend upstate in this beautiful barn working on a devised piece: stay tuned!
MARCH 2015
Rehearsing with fantastic ladies on Abigail Gampel's new script Through the Window.
Met and worked with a wonderful group assembled by Andy Bragen to read Bright Lines by Lee Vance at the Lark.
Had so much fun filming this House of Cards parody, House of Pancakes! Excuse the potty mouth :-)
I joined in Target Margin's Gertrude Stein Festival by reading If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso at The Bushwick Starr. Wonderful, whiskey filled evening of words, words, words.
Ahh January, the Month of the Class. I am taking 2 fantastic classes, one with Candice Alustiza from Meredith Tucker Casting and one with Ted Sluberski, an on-screen acting coach. I feel thoroughly primed for 2015!
I spent the days before Christmas filming in Rome, NY with Kobi Libbi on his newest project. He is developing a style of performance that results in remarkably honest, vulnerable, and complex work. Here is a shot of Ben Mehl filming in an old steel mill.
"Do you want the moon? I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down."
For four magical nights I played Mary in a staged radio play of my absolute favorite movie It's a Wonderful Life. Also brushed up my Glee Club chops caroling in four part harmony before the show. I wish we could do it year round! Thank you Cake Productions for a beautiful ride.
Since October I've been directing a remarkable group of 8th graders in A Midsummer Night's Dream. The name of the game is "patience." Just when I've given a direction too many times and in too many ways and resigned myself to lowered expectations, those crazy kids blow me away. They listen, absorb, process, and, when it counts the most, hit it out of the park. So proud!
- "Miyagawa's play is clever, stylish, and often funny." —The New Yorker
- "The fascinating Meg MacCary... is indeed a compelling narrator." —nytheaternow
- "...if you trust the talented cast... you will be in for a great night at the theatre." —The Huffington Post
- "MacCary's comic timing is spot on, and she does a fine job of bringing the audience into the scattered world she inhabits." —Front Row Center
I'm excited to open This Lingering Life by the incomparable Chiori Miyagawa next week!
This is my costume as Woman With Tragic Hair:
Just went out to Governor's Island to film a scene for Trade Practices, HERE's new interactive theater piece inspired by the financial industry.
It's just gorgeous out there and the show is going to be fantastic! It opens August 31st.
JULY 2014
The best way to start off the summer is playing with David Herskovits and the Target Margin folk at The Bushwick Starr. We spent five days experimenting with Eugene O'Neill, Shakespeare, and the extraordinary poem "Dining Out With Doug and Frank (for Frank Polach)" by James Schuyler. I've included a link here, in case you have time to read it. Published in 1980, it loves New York, warts and all. Poem + Bushwick Starr's gorgeous view of the city + Target Margin = Bliss.
"Dining Out With Doug and Frank (for Frank Polach)"
JUNE 2014
In September I will be playing The Woman with Tragic Hair in Chiori Miyagawa's This Lingering Life at HERE, directed by Cat Miller and produced by Cake Productions.
Icing on the cake... the handsome and remarkably talented Amir Darvish is in it as well. This will be our third show together in two years! Here's a picture of us at the HERE benefit.
MAY 2014
I just did a reading of the fascinating play Cogito by Huzir Sulaiman as part of the PEN World Voices Festival of International Literature at the Martin E. Segal Center. A man downloads his wife in an attempt to keep her alive forever. After his death, the multiple versions of her meet...
Jenny Seastone Stern, Birgit Huppuch, and I played different incarnations of Katherine Lee. Charles Socarides played our capable young lawyer. The impossibly smart and delightful Mike Donahue directed.
For the third year in a row, I'm honored to read and evaluate plays for the Princess Grace Award in Playwriting.
APRIL 2014
I was delighted to go on 7 times in Dinner With Friends. In one crazy stretch, I went on 6 times in 5 days as both Karen and Beth!
I'll miss these lovely ladies.
MARCH 2014
I'll be understudying both Karen and Beth in Dinner with Friends at the Roundabout this Winter and Spring. I went to the first read-through and was delighted to see so many old friends: Chuck Turner, Marin Hinkle, Jeremy Shamos, and Pam MacKinnon. Looking forward to becoming a memorizing fiend!
I spent a day in New Jersey shooting an episode of Frenemies for Discovery ID. My son gets murdered by his best friend. I'm distraught. Airs in February!
Just discovered the Actor's Green Room. It's a wonderful, relaxed place to learn and meet people. Took a great class with Clint Alexander, Angela Bowers, Brette Goldstein, and David Vaccari.
- "Creative, engaging, and quite brave." —Huffington Post
- "Crafted in true collaborative spirit." —Show Business
- "Surprising…poignant and humorous…authentic in experience." —Broadway World
- "The piece is wonderfully tidy." —Time Out
- "Emotionally honest…it will leave you thinking about it long after the cast members have taken their well-deserved bows." —Off Broadway
I'll miss you, I Came To Look For You On Tuesday. You were a great one.
And I am very proud to announce that I have joined the board of HERE Arts Center, the downtown epicenter of groundbreaking theater, dance, and visual art. I have performed at HERE a dozen times and for many years have considered it my theatrical home base.
I Came to Look for You on Tuesday opens September 26th at La Mama!
The play is a mosaic of uncontrollable forces and the very human people in their wake. 22 characters, 8 actors. I play a 6 year old girl, a teenager with wanderlust, the mom of a grown daughter, a betrayed farmer, and more. Pictured above are me and Alexis Camins during our last run in the rehearsal space.
Had a blast playing a talk show host for a video cameo in Trade Practices, opening in October.
Rehearsals for Chiori Miyagawa's new play I Came to Look for You on Tuesday start next week! I can't wait to get back in the room with Susan and Amir and Jens and Alice and the whole gang.
The show doesn't open until September, but Chiori and others have planted artistic seeds about the city and the web, all inspired by the idea of reunion.
To tide you over until the show opens, visit the HowlRound blog on the creation of the piece (I'm interviewed in one article):
And The Tuesday Project website, which features street art by James Bayard and reunion stories (one of which I wrote):
JULY 2013
I joined the artistic team of Trade Practices at Mass MoCA, a center for contemporary art in North Adams, Massachusetts, for an artist retreat to help work on the show. It was mind blowing to explore the remarkable exhibitions at the museum after hours. But that was just a bonus. The real joy was singing and playing with this incredibly talented group of people.
JUNE 2013
Chiori Miyagawa, author of I Came To Look For You on Tuesday and This Lingering Life, graduated from New Dramatists this month and asked me and Joe, along with 7 other couples, to renew our vows as part of her glorious, art-affirming graduation ceremony. These people shared their words of commitment to each other and to their chosen life in the arts and, as with most New Dramatist events, I felt so lucky and blessed to be part of this artistic community.
MAY 2013
Two years ago I worked on Chiori Miyagawa's remarkable play I Came To Look For You on Tuesday at New Dramatists. It has haunted me ever since. I could not be happier to return to 44th Street this May and continue the adventure with the awesome Alice Reagan at the helm.
I am helping to direct a group of seventh graders in Animal Farm this month. It's bringing back lovely memories of playing Clover with Synapse Theater. Who knew that 13 year olds would be so eager to snort and grunt and flap their wings? Animalism!
APRIL 2013
I'm back in the rehearsal room with the audacious Little Lord, helping to develop their new piece inspired by "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow", "Rip van Winkle", and other works by Washington Irving.
For the second year, I'm honored to read and evaluate plays for the Princess Grace Award in Playwriting.
MARCH 2013
Tickets are on sale for The (*) Inn!
Freaky black hens, whips, and, yes, a haunted Inn. David Herskovits has flipped this Yiddish play on its head and spun it around a little. Come on down to the Lower East Side (it's in a beautiful, old proscenium theater) and hear me say "Oy Vey"!
*empty, vacant, abandoned; usually translated as "Haunted".
Starting rehearsals for The (*) Inn! The play is wild. The cast is fantastic. David Herskovits is the master. I'm in heaven. Opens in March!
Just took a great on-camera class with Karyn Casl and Tiffany Little Canfield who cast at Telsey + Co. They are a riot! And very wise. I'm going back for more as soon as I get another break.
I am honored to play a demented deer in Little Lord's offering to the Catch 54 bill at 8pm, Saturday, December 15th @ The Bushwick Starr.
It's a sneak peek of their brand-new production, Pocahontas, and/or America. I say some pretty filthy stuff. Come check it out!
Come see me search for a sperm donor in Barking Girl!
I'm also preparing to channel Kris Kardashian Jenner in a reading of the new musical Friends Like These, produced by Glass Elevator Media on December 3rd.
Every Fall, I direct 13 year olds in a Shakespeare play. This year, we're doing Much Ado About Nothing, and I must give a shout out to this remarkable group. Their insight and instincts inspire me. These kids can drive me crazy, but watching them learn how to tell a story is easily the most satisfying experience around.
We are deep into rehearsals for Barking Girl by the fantastic Susan Bernfield. Pirronne Yousefzadeh, my new favorite person, directs. I play Becca, the gay, expecting sister of the very conflicted Rae. We open November 8th at The 4th Street Theatre.
I am reprising my role as Woman with Tragic Hair in a reading of Chiori Miyagawa's striking play This Lingering Life. David Herskovits directs again. This time, we are part of Project Y's Holy Cow! Reading Series at ART/NY, Sunday, September 7th at 7.
I am delighted to be playing Becca in Susan Bernfield's new play Barking Girl. It's being produced by Chrysalis Theatre Company at the 4th Street Theatre in November. I'll post more info soon...
JULY 2012
Now that I have worked with the sexy, smart, and sassy crowd at Little Lord, I am even more of a fan! The Pocahontas! workshop re-lit my inner museum-fiend fire. Our time at The Bushwick Starr featured bonnets, copious brainstorming, and gorgeous sunsets. Check out the blog of the workshop here:
The wonderfully talented actress Clare Barron is also a delicate and insightful playwright. She is a member of the Youngblood collective at EST. I played a mom in a disfunctional Midwestern family trying to muddle through a natural disaster in the EST reading of her fantastic new play Baby Screams Miracle.
JUNE 2012
On Monday I attended the screening of The Giraffe That Knew Too Much, the live action short I did earlier this year. The lovely Katie Baldwin was there to hold my hand. I survived watching myself! And, truth be told, it turned out beautifully. I'll try to post it here when I get a copy.
Next week I'm off to the Bushwick Starr for 3 weeks to play with Little Lord. They are workshopping their new show Pocahontas! and have invited some people to help with the development. I'm such an admirer of these guys. Their work is wacky and fun and as smart as it gets. A perfect way to kick off the summer!
MAY 2012
I'm spending next week workshopping a new play by the beautiful Chiori Miyagawa at New Dramatists, with David Herskovits directing. I'm playing "Woman with Tragic Hair." Fitting.
I've been reading and evaluating plays for the Princess Grace Award in Playwrighting. I haven't read a stack of plays in a while. I've really loved it.
APRIL 2012

If you're in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, come see me in Mr. and Mrs. Fitch. I play "Mrs.", the snarky but adoring wife of a has-been gossip columnist. The fantastic Bradley Campbell is "Mr."
MARCH 2012
I'm off to Dallas for six weeks to play Mrs. Fitch in Douglas Carter Beane's play Mr. and Mrs. Fitch. Rehearsals start next week. I am nervous and excited and will post more info on the show when I get there!
I just spent three crazy, cold, exhausting days shooting The Giraffe That Knew Too Much. I'm so eager to see the stills and footage. The production design is gorgeous.
I got a chance to reprise "The Master" song from The Tempest at Target Margin's benefit with only two hours' sleep after shooting all weekend. I was too loopy to even be nervous! It was a lovely evening and I can't wait to see Uncle Vanya in May.
The 15 year old boy I coached for the English Speaking Union's Shakespeare competition made it to the New York finals! I'm very proud. He did an awesome job.
I was just cast in the short film The Giraffe That Knew Too Much. I'm playing the mother of a five year old boy — not much of a stretch! The film takes place in a dystopian future, where an oppressive government has banned my son's favorite book. I will have to take it away from him or get in a LOT of trouble. Rehearsals start next week; I'll post on the progress!
This month is officially The Month of the Class. I'm treating myself to the tough love of Paul Davis, David Cady, and James Callari. A hefty dose of constructive criticism to start the year off!
I'm also coaching a great kid to compete in the English Speaking Union's Shakespeare Competition. He is 15 and performing Angelo's slimy speech to Isabella. He has such an inspiring work ethic and is finding wonderful layers to explore. I'll post updates as the competition approaches.
Just spent 2 glorious weeks at New Dramatists for their PlayTime developmental lab. I was working on a new play by Chiori Miyagawa inspired by the tsunami in Japan, Tom Waits, and "Bobby Jean." It is an astounding work. I am so grateful to Alice Reagan, who directed, and the wonderful actors and New Dramatists folk for the experience.
I am directing an awesome group of 8th graders in As You Like It. Every time I work on this play I discover something new. Orlando and Adam's love kills me.
I'm taking an onscreen class with James Calleri. Oh, I am learning so, so much. I can't wait to put it into practice.
Tickets are on sale for Prison Light! Think the movie Brazil meets The Office. I play Pembroke, the boss from Hell. The awesome Alice Reagan directs.
I've also been workshopping Uncle Vanya with Target Margin. David Herskovits and his gang are feeling out a whole slew of translations. I always feel so lucky to be in a room with these energetic, creative, wildly fun people.
Next week I start rehearsals for Prison Light, by Austin Flint. It opens in October at HERE. I play the menacing boss. It's directed by Alice Reagan, with whom I've wanted to work for years.
More info soon!
I'm off to the Berkshires for the Drama League retreat! Acting and eating and hiking and Shaw. I'm playing Ann in Man and Superman and working with the freshest crop of Drama League directors.
I just spent two weeks exploring Yiddish theater with David Herskovits and the Target Margin gang. A Mekhaye!
I am thrilled to continue work on Kobi Libii's improv project.
He's got fascinating ideas about turning improv work on its head.
He has gathered a fantastic group to experiment with and this time we are filming our work.
Tickets are on sale for The Tempest! Come see me play Stephano, the drunken butler, in Target Margin's wild ride of a show.
It runs May 4th - 27th at HERE in Soho.
MARCH 2011
I just spent a week working with the fabulously talented Kobi Libii.
He is working on a new way of approaching improvisational work and gathered a group of actors/guinea pigs to test out some ideas.
The room was relaxed and fun and I had a blast!
The other night I did a shoot for the film Know How, produced by The Possibility Project about kids in foster care. I was mugged over and over again until 4:00am. I got a few bumps and bruises and only three hours of sleep, but had a great time with a very worthy project.
It's official!
I am playing Stephano, the drunken butler, in Target Margin's production of The Tempest this May.
We are going to workshop it for 2 weeks this month at the Chocolate Factory.
Also, Judy Bowman's on-camera class has been a revelation. I'm learning fresh approaches and thinking in a new way about performance. I feel recharged!
The new year is already busy and fruitful!
During this brief hiatus from The Tempest, I'm taking an on-camera class with the fantastic Judy Bowman.
I've also been called in and called back for a number of commercials lately, so I'm eager to pursue those opportunities more aggressively in 2011.
It was so lovely to eat pizza, drink fresh sparkling water, and read aloud Sheri Graubert's new comedy about small town environmental politics. I can't wait to see the next draft!
In preparation for a Spring production of The Tempest, Target Margin has gathered 6 actors to work on various scenes. This month, I'm playing the Boatswain, Iris, and Trinculo — a more varied group would not be possible! As part of the workshop, we spent a morning at the Metropolitan Museum finding inspiration in classical sculpture and romantic paintings. The show is going to be remarkable.
My November is sponsored by Shakespeare; I'm also co-directing a production of Romeo and Juliet with 13-year olds. The kids are smart and understand the text very well. Their challenge is to express it emotionally and physically. I rush from rehearsing The Tempest to a room full of 30 kids, who are so new to the rhythms and picture of a play that no entrance or gesture is taken for granted. I'm trying to approach my own performance work with such freshness and daring.
I'm spending an incredible and inspiring week doing table work on The Tempest. Around the table: Kristin Linklater, Michael Kahn, David Herskovits, Michael Sexton, and scholars Ruth Carpenter and Rich McCoy. The week culminates in a panel discussion sponsored by The Shakespeare Society at 7:00 on Monday, October 25th at The Mint Theater. I'll be reading Antonio!
I'm strapping on a corset for the first time in years to play Lady Fidget in a New York production of The Country Wife by William Wycherly, directed by Bradford Cover. Come by The Chernuchin Theater on W. 54th this July!
- Press Release
- Review in Backstage
MAY 2010
I'm having a marvelous time tinkering on The Tempest with David Herskovitz in a two week workshop at the BRIC.
APRIL 2010
It's been so lovely to work with old friends on an all-girl choral piece of "Visions of the Blessed Bruder Klaus" by Sibyl Kempson, directed by Ken Rus Schmoll. The performance is on Sunday, April 25th at Glasslands. It benefits Andrew Dinwiddie's show Get Mad at Sin! Come by if you can!
I'm playing a mad scientist in a two week workshop of Do Clones Dream of Identical Sheep? by Jon Kern, directed by Heidi Handelsman, sponsored by New Georges. The reading is April 12th at The Room at 7:30.
MARCH 2010
I'm commuting to Brooklyn to play an explosively angry church lady in Thank You, Kind Spirit, directed by Alisa Matlovsky in Target Margin's The Unknown Williams lab series. We open March 18th at The Bushwick Star.
I am stranded on an ice floe on a work-in-progress showing of Staying Afloat by Lenora Champagne at Dixon Place. There are two showings: January 22nd and 23rd. It would be lovely to see you there!